EMDR: The Lion, the Witch, and the Filing Cabinet
Ever wonder why, when you look back, some memories are hazy and some are clear? Some memories may feel positive or neutral and some feel negative and distressing. Let’s explore that.
Take a moment to imagine your brain is full of filing cabinets, and every memory you have is stored in files. Some files contain memories typed up in pretty font, perfectly spaced, clean margins, and easy to read. It’s totally chill and not distressing at all to read that file.
But some memories were written when you were a child, overwhelmed, or frightened. These files are jammed in really messy filing cabinets with no reasonable order. They are written in neon yellow crayon, with sticky notes, and typos on crinkled paper. When you look at these memories, you feel anxious and confused.
EMDR is us pulling open a messy file and sorting through those distressing memories with bilateral stimulation as a typewriter. The same information is there but we are typing it up nicely so when you read it again, it’s more organized, accessible, and less uncomfortable. Then we put it away with the other organized files in its correct place. You feel lighter, confident, and have a higher level of self-worth looking back through your neat filing cabinets.
I’m just the Marie Kondo here to help you get the organizing process going!
Contact us below for more information on getting started with EMDR therapy sessions to create the peace you deserve.